The Care Quality Commission is the regulator of health and social care in England. They carry out unannounced inspections of all care homes at least once a year to judge whether or not essential standards are being met.
The last unannounced inspection of Westcliffe House took place in February 2020 and the care home met all the following 5 standards of the inspection.
- Respecting and involving people who use the services
- Care and welfare of people who use services
- Safeguarding people who use the services from abuse
- Supporting workers
- Assessing and monitoring quality of service provision
View the full Care Quality Commission Report February 2020 here
View the Westcliffe House Limited Hospitals Summary
View the Westcliffe House current Food Rating
Respecting and involving people who use the services
The CQC found that residents “felt that they were respected by the manager and staff” and they “felt they were involved in the running of the home.”
They found “the care planning was person centred, regular reviews were carried out and involved the individual.”
Care and welfare of people who use services
The CQC reported that residents “praised the treatment they receive highly” and staff “showed a very clear knowledge of the individual needs of the people in the home.”
Safeguarding people who use the services from abuse
The CQC found that staff are kept up-to-date with safeguarding training and residents “said they felt safe and felt they could talk to any member of staff about any issues they might have had.”
Supporting workers
The CQC reported that residents “felt the therapists were all specialists in their area.”
They also said: “All staff had attended training relevant to their role in the home including training in medication management, IT skills and equality and diversity…We also saw the staff had kept up-to-date with current guidance and legislation.”
Assessing and monitoring quality of service provision
The CQC found “all areas of the treatment and home were audited on a regular basis.” They also reported that residents are asked for feedback through regular house meetings and they are asked to complete regular satisfaction surveys. There is also an anonymous satisfaction survey and a suggestions scheme.