A personalised treatment plan is developed for each client, choosing from the range of therapies and training that we offer. We offer both specialist groups and individual counselling sessions.
Each client is allocated their own Key Worker, who is there to give help and advice and remains the client’s first point of contact throughout their stay. The Key Worker reviews the individual Care Plan on a regular 4-6 week basis, with both the client and, if appropriate, the referrer or commissioning agent.
The Care Plan takes a holistic view of the client and their difficulties and may address a range of issues, eg traumas, loss/bereavement, physical/sexual abuse, anxiety/ depression and any secondary issues. The second stage of the programme addresses issues relating to re-structuring of a positive future . This can include-re-training for the workplace, education, re-building relationships with families/partners/children, money management, and building supportive, positive networks for sustaining recovery.
Westcliffe is proud of its high staffing ratios with a minimum of 4 senior therapists available each day ensuring that each of the 20 residential clients are provided with individual specialist care. Our staffing levels enable us to offer a wide variety of specialist therapies. We are also able to offer literacy and, numeracy skills for those who need it.
We offer a 12 week and 20 week programme. However, for private clients or those in employment, we can offer a more flexible programme to meet their need. The length of time each client will spend in residential treatment can vary and is dependent on
- the specifications of the commissioners/referral agencies
- the need of the individual (especially if they are self-funding)
All requirements are discussed fully during the assessment stage and agreed before admission.
Upon completion of the residential period, Westcliffe House offers a structured After Care programme. Again, this is individually designed to meet each client’s needs. For some this would include a return to employment, training or education or starting voluntary work.